cl_detailfade "0" // def. "400" # Distance across which detail props fade in
cl_detaildist "0" // def. "1200" # Distance at which detail props are no longer visible
r_drawdetailprops "0" // def. "1" # 0=Off, 1=Normal, 2=Wireframe
cl_phys_props_enable "0" // def. "1" # Physical Props on(1)/off(0)
cl_phys_props_max "1" // def. "300" # Count of physical Props
props_break_max_pieces "-1" // def. "-1" # Maximum prop breakable piece count (-1 = model default), like gibs of exploding players ;) Count(1-n)/off(0)
r_propsmaxdist "1" // def. "1200" # Behind this distance they are not rendered
r_ropetranslucent "0" // def. "1" # Transparent ropes on(1)/off(0)
rope_averagelight "0" // def. "1" # Makes ropes use average of cubemap lighting instead of max intensity. on(1)/off(0)
rope_collide "0" // def. "1" # Collide rope with the world on(1)/off(0)
rope_rendersolid "0" // def. "1" # Render Ropes on(1)/off(0)
rope_shake "0" // def. "0" # Ropes shake around on(1)/off(0)
rope_smooth "0" // def. "1" # Do an antialiasing effect on ropes on(1)/off(0)
rope_smooth_enlarge "0" // def. "1" # How much to enlarge ropes in screen space for antialiasing effect
rope_smooth_maxalpha "0" // def. "0" # Max Alpha for rope antialiasing effect
rope_smooth_minalpha "0" // def. "0" # Min Alpha for rope antialiasing effect
rope_smooth_minwidth "0" // def. "0" # When using smoothing, this is the min screenspace width it lets a rope shrink to
rope_subdiv "0" // def. "2" # Rope subdivision amount Anti-Aliasing on(2,4,8)/off(0)
rope_wind_dist "0" // def. "1000" # Don't use CPU applying small wind gusts to ropes when they're past this distance
mat_wateroverlaysize "4" // def. "128" # Quality of reflect image in water and glass (Greater Size -> more Pixel for Detail) [to take effect r_waterdrawreflection 1]
r_cheapwaterend "2000" // def. "800" # End of the CheapWater rendering (all behind this range is black water)
r_cheapwaterstart "1" // def. "500" # Start of the CheapWater rendering (all before this range is expensive waterrendering)
r_forcewaterleaf "1" // def. "1" # Enable for optimization to water - considers view in leaf under water for purposes of culling
r_waterdrawreflection "0" // def. "1" # If set to 0, disables all reflections on top of water. Will boost performance quite noticeably in areas with water at the cost of some realism.
r_waterdrawrefraction "1" // def. "1" # If set to 0, (Man kann nicht durch Wasser schauen) disables all refraction - that is images which appear distorted under the water. This will boost performance at the cost of realism, however you may experience some graphical anomalies on the water or even in the sky for some reason.
r_waterforceexpensive "0" // def. "" # 1 = High (reflect world), 0 = Low (simple reflect)
r_waterforcereflectentities "0" // def. "" # 1 = High (reflect all), 0 = Low
fov_desired "90" // def. "75" # Field of View in Degree
fps_max "300" // def. "" # Maximal count of Frames per Second
mat_bufferprimitives "1" // def. "1" # Primitive Buffer on(1)/off(0)
mat_dxlevel "81" // def. "" # 95 = DirectX 9.5, 90 = DirectX 9, 81 = DirectX 8.1, 80 = DirectX 8, 70 = DirectX 7,60 = DirectX 6
//mat_monitorgamma "1.6" // def. "2.2" # Gammasetting (1.6=min/bright 2.6=max/dark)
mat_reducefillrate "1" // def. "" # Shaderthruput 0 = High (better Quality), 1 = Low (more fps)
tf_particles_disable_weather "1" // def. "0" # Rain like on sawmill on(0)/off(1)
blink_duration "0" // def. "0" # How many seconds an eye blink will last.
r_eyes "0" // def. "1" # Eyes on(1)/off(0)
r_teeth "0" // def. "1" # Teeth on(1)/off(0)
r_flex "0" // def. "1" # Use facial animation on(1)/off(0)
cl_burninggibs "0" // def. "0" # Gibs from burning person stay on fire
cl_playerspraydisable "1" // def "0" # disable Spraypaints only
lod_TransitionDist "10" // def. "800" # When is Level of Detail used (Distance) ? Greater Value = less Performance/better Quality
mp_usehwmmodels "0" // def. "0" # Enable the use of the hw morph models. (-1 = never, 1 = always, 0 = based upon GPU)
mp_usehwmvcds "0" // def. "0" # Enable the use of the hw morph vcd(s). (-1 = never, 1 = always, 0 = based upon GPU)
r_lod "2" // def. "-1" # Details of Models (Level Of Detail), bound by r_rootlod => best(0)/worst(2) | sv_cheats_best(-2)/sv_cheats_worst(-5)
r_rootlod "2" // def. "0" # Base-LOD of Model. you cant get a better lod => best(0)/worst(2) | sv_cheats_best(-2)/sv_cheats_worst(-5)
mp_decals "1" // def. "200" # Count of Decals used for Multiplayer
r_decal_cullsize "15" // def. "5" # The distance (0-15) from which bulletholes are visible. Higher numbers mean a shorter viewing
r_decals "2" // def. "2048" # Count of Decals used by the entire SourceEngine
r_drawmodeldecals "0" // def. "" # Render decals on the Models on(1)/off(0)
r_maxmodeldecal "0" // def. "32" # Count of Decals to Render on the Models
r_queued_decals "0" // def. "0" # Offloads a bit of decal rendering setup work to the material system queue when enabled. on(1)/off(0)
r_spray_lifetime "0" // def. "2" # Number of rounds player sprays are visible
r_drawbatchdecals "0" // def. "1" # UNKOWN -> Render decals batched. (Which decals excatly ?)
cl_ragdoll_collide "0" // def. "0" # Collision between corpses on(1)/off(0)
cl_ragdoll_forcefade "1" // def. "0" # If set to "1" then cl_ragdoll_forcefade is used
cl_ragdoll_fade_time "0" // def. "15" # Fadingtime in seconds of corpses 0 => No Corpse
cl_ragdoll_physics_enable "0" // def. "1" # Ragdollsystem for the corpses on(1)/off(0) | off meens corpses standing around with no animation
mat_hdr_level "0" // def. "" # Set to 0 for no HDR, 1 for LDR+bloom on HDR maps, and 2 for full HDR on HDR maps.
mat_autoexposure_max "2" // def. "2" # HDR Setting | 0-20 Sets the brightest (maximum) exposure that will be reached. Values over 20 should not be used in most cases.
mat_autoexposure_min "0.5" // def. "0.5" # HDR Setting | 0-20 Where 0 is darkest (minimum) exposure level that will be reached. Values over 20 should not be used in most cases. Typical values are less than 1.
mat_bloomscale "1" // def. "1" # Adjustment of the Bloomeffect (how strong it will appear)
mat_disable_bloom "1" // def. "0" # Bloom on(0)/off(1)
mat_motion_blur_enabled "0" // def. "" # Motion Blur on(1)/off(0)
mat_use_compressed_hdr_textures "1" // def. "1" # Compress Texturs used with HDR (less Memoryusage in GraphicCard - Imagequality a little less)
mat_fastspecular "1" // def. "" # Faster Spec but lower Quality on(1)/off(0)
mat_filterlightmaps "0" // def. "1" # Filtering ligthmaps on(1)/off(0)
mat_specular "0" // def. "1" # Specular highlight on(1)/off(0)
r_dynamic "0" // def. "1" # Dynamic lighting of Enviroment on(1)/off(0)
r_lightaverage "0" // def. "1" # light averaging on(1)/off(0)
r_maxdlights "0" // def. "32" # Determines the maximum number of dynamic lights visible on the screen. The larger this maximum, the more chance of slowdowns during scenes with multiple dynamic light sources. Reducing this value can improve performance in scenes with multiple dynamic lights, such as in heavy combat.
r_PhysPropStaticLighting "0" // def. "1" # Static Lighting on props on(1)/off(0)
r_occlusion "1" // def. "1" # Use the occlusion system from the SourceEngine on(1)/off(0)
r_worldlights "0" // def. "4" # Number of world lights to use per vertex
mat_disable_lightwarp "1" // def. "0" # UNKOWN -> Exact Effect unkown, but its a part of Phongshading. A 1D Texture for some shading.
mat_shadowstate "0" // def. "1" # noShadow(0)/circelAsShadow(1)/playerModelAsShadow(2)
r_shadows "0" // def. "1" # Shadows on(1)/off(0)
r_flashlightdepthtexture "0" // def. "1" # 1 = High, 0 = Low
r_shadowrendertotexture "0" // def. "" # 1 = High, 0 = Low
r_shadowmaxrendered "0" // def. "" # Max. count of rendered Shadow [TF2-VideoConfigMenu: 0=min 32=High]
mat_bumpmap "0" // def. "" # Bumpmapping on(1)/off(0)
mat_clipz "1" // def. "" # If set to 1, uses an optimization technique to reduce what is drawn on screen for a performance improvement. Note that some Nvidia FX card owners need to set mat_clipz 0 to fix rendering problems.
mat_colorcorrection "0" // def. "" # Normaly forced to 0 on Public Servers
mat_compressedtextures "1" // def. "1" # Texturcompression on(1)/off(0) ( on(1) reduces usage of Memory in the GraphicCard but cost a little bit quality)
mat_envmapsize "8" // def. "128" # EnviromentMap -> Background Images in not reachable Sections of the Map, same as the skybox | Greater Size value better Imagequality
mat_mipmaptextures "1" // def. "1" # Mipmapping on(1)/off(0)
mat_parallaxmap "0" // def. "0" # Use Parallaxmapping
mat_picmip "2" // def. "0" # Set the detail of a used texture (max. -10.000000 min. 4.000000) [TF2-VideoConfigMenu: -1 = High, 2 = Low]
mat_texture_limit "-1" // def. "-1" # Dont change... sets the maximal used amount of Kilobytes used for each frame when rendering. "-1" = Automatic
r_3dsky "0" // def. "1" # Show 3D Backgrounds (like Buildings)
r_fastzreject "-1" // def. "-1" # Use the optimized Z-Buffer Alorithm automatic(-1)/on(1)/off(0)
r_renderoverlayfragment "0" // def. "1" # Rendering of multiple Texturelayers on(1)/off(0)
mat_antialias "0" // def. "" # Anti-aliasing on(1,2,4,8)/off(0)
mat_filtertextures "0" // def. "1" # Filter textures on(1)/off(0)
mat_forceaniso "0" // def. "" # Anisotropic filtering on(1,2,4,8,16)/off(0)
mat_trilinear "0" // def. "" # Trilinear filtering on(1)/off(0)
mat_envmaptgasize "2" // def. "32" # UNKOWN -> EnviromentMap Size for Skybox ? Greater value better Imagequality (max 512 ?)
Insurgency Mod Scum: cheaters, hackers, wallhackers, aimbotters, griefers, teamkillers, micspammers, spawncampers, exitcampers, and everything else Insurgency. policy on personal information: Personal and confidential information: It's not ok to publish another person's personal and confidential information. For example, don't post someone else's credit card numbers, Social Security numbers, unlisted phone numbers, and driver's license numbers. Also, please keep in mind that in most cases, information that is already available elsewhere on the Internet or in public records is not considered to be private or confidential under our policies.
All information posted on Insurgency Mod Scum is publicly available.
All information posted on Insurgency Mod Scum is publicly available.
Noted: Insurgency (NWI) CVARLIST 1
Posted by insurgencymodscum2 at Wednesday, January 01, 2014 Labels: Insurgency 2, Insurgency Mod Scum
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