TehParadox, from my experience, has probably the worst administrators and moderators of any forum. Everything is monetized. Users are usually not banned but are sentenced to "miserable users" which just redirects to a netload referral page, making TehParadox owners a nice profit even from banished users. Less often forum accounts and ALL posts are deleted and "disappeared".
Between asking for donations, and obtrusive ads, TehParadox owners probably have a nice income, coming entirely from their users' work, who are repaid by being consistently shit on.
Possible scum:
Gandolph13 [moderator]
Anonymous said...
I'm not from the US, and the site is a free site which relies on donations for server costs.
If you were banned, probably by me, you obviously didn't follow the rules, treated members like crap, like you refer to us here, spammed the forums or were just an A hole in general.
All staff are voluntary, we don't get paid or kick backs and offer our services to keep brain dead scum like you from ruining the place
Grow up!
Note TehParadox don't share which administrator / moderator is responsible or the reason for the ban. Unlucky members are simply sentenced to "miserable users" or "disappeared".
See: http://insurgencymod.blogspot.com/2012/07/insurgency-mod-scum-under-attack.html
You know what that means ....
Your going to have a baaad day.
See you soon !!!!!!!
Food for thought ...
You're just a short drive (a little over half a day, give or take) away.
Like I said, see you soon !!!
Jon McClure, Fort Myers, Florida.
I haven't checked recently to find out of you still live there. Easy enough to do, and I will, if you don't edit this Blog, leave it blank, at least as far as me and mine are concerne, and disappear from my life forever.
Shall I publish the rest of your info in a couple of thousand places? like all the Forums you have been a Member of, and been banned from, for the last ten years or so? You have left an impressive array of enemies in your wake, more than enough to do to you all that you deserve, if I choose to let them know where you are.
Should I?
The "ball" is in your court, and for future reference, if anything "untoward" happens, anything at all, if my house gets struck by lightninig, for instance, I WILL come for you.
After I have toyed with you for a while first.
I have fired a "warning shot" for your edification, just to get your attention, you understand? You should be hearing from it soon. If you edit this post and remove the offending material, it will end there. If not ... well ...
I advise you to "Edit" ASAP. It is your only chance at living out the rest of your miserable life with any sort of normalcy. I will destroy your so-called life. You can be utterly certain of it.
Have a nice day.
Went to see a Private Detective today. Gave him a $250 dollar retainer to find you with another $250 when he does.
If he has no results, I will pay my lawyer to subpoena your records at your Blog, Facebook, etc. Wherever you are, I will either have friends there, or you will have enemies there. As for the "enemies", someone like you has a gazillion or so.
Your @$$ is mine.
In case you haven't figured it out, you have p!$$ed me off you nothing little insect. No matter how annonymous you think you are, you can be found. If I'm wrong about who you are, it doesn't matter, I am going to find out. I am pretty much retired now. I have plenty of time on my hands to devote to this. I have enough money to pay whoever I need to to find you.
If I choose to go the legal route, I will contact all of your present and former "victims" and we will see you jailed for Criminal Libel. If you get a GOOD lawyer, you might be out in five years or so. If I don't go legal, then only God will be able to help you. I am a US Army Intelligence Vietnam Veteran, with a body count in three figures, and with what they taught me, well... think about it. It was the real deal. No punk-ass game.
I am going to make the pursuit of you, and retribution for your actions the next phase of my life's work.
H#!!, I'm not working at the moment. I have lots of time and certainly nothing better or more enjoyable to do than to take you out of circulation.
Looking forward to meeting you face-to-face.
You chicken-shit scumbag. Why didn't you post a place for "comments" on your attack page?
Soooooo impressed that you traced my I.P. address. Big deal. You think your hiding behind that proxy you're using?
Think again.
Always wanted to visit Australia.
I have a few frinds there.
You have quite a few serious enemies there.
They will soon know where you are.
Good luck, worm.
I was hoping that you would try to trace me down with a I.P. address search. That stuff leaves a trail you know. Stealth software or not it can be traced back quite a way.
I just had to be sure that I mad you mad enough to respond the way you did, and that you were who I thought you were. The "Jon McClure" thing was just a ruse to throw you off track. He has much more class and imagination than you.
I guess I will have to content myself with not meeting you face-to-face, "Dave".
Oh, well...
As it says in my Sig, "A man that doesn't have enemies is a man that doesn't stand for anything".
I'm proud to have a low-life like you as an enemy.
What a pathetic coward you are. I'll bet the bullies had a field day with you. It's obvious from your personality and behavior that you have some serious mental deficiencies.
I almost feel sorry for you.
Proud to be your enemy ...
What the fuck happened up there? Did they ever catch each other!? I MUST KNOW!
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