Insurgency Mod Scum: cheaters, hackers, wallhackers, aimbotters, griefers, teamkillers, micspammers, spawncampers, exitcampers, and everything else Insurgency. policy on personal information: Personal and confidential information: It's not ok to publish another person's personal and confidential information. For example, don't post someone else's credit card numbers, Social Security numbers, unlisted phone numbers, and driver's license numbers. Also, please keep in mind that in most cases, information that is already available elsewhere on the Internet or in public records is not considered to be private or confidential under our policies.
All information posted on Insurgency Mod Scum is publicly available.

Insurgency Mod Scum Under Attack - "SSRCharlieB" (TehParadox Forums)


Comments from:
Clayton, North Carolina, United States

Referred by TP PM, which INSMODSCUM assumes is from "Gandolph13".

Also see:

Anonymous said...


Charlie :moon:


Anonymous said...

You know what that means ....

Your going to have a baaad day.

See you soon !!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Food for thought ...

You're just a short drive (a little over half a day, give or take) away.

Like I said, see you soon !!!


Anonymous said...

Jon McClure, Fort Myers, Florida.

I haven't checked recently to find out of you still live there. Easy enough to do, and I will, if you don't edit this Blog, leave it blank, at least as far as me and mine are concerne, and disappear from my life forever.

Shall I publish the rest of your info in a couple of thousand places? like all the Forums you have been a Member of, and been banned from, for the last ten years or so? You have left an impressive array of enemies in your wake, more than enough to do to you all that you deserve, if I choose to let them know where you are.

Should I?

The "ball" is in your court, and for future reference, if anything "untoward" happens, anything at all, if my house gets struck by lightninig, for instance, I WILL come for you.

After I have toyed with you for a while first.

I have fired a "warning shot" for your edification, just to get your attention, you understand? You should be hearing from it soon. If you edit this post and remove the offending material, it will end there. If not ... well ...

I advise you to "Edit" ASAP. It is your only chance at living out the rest of your miserable life with any sort of normalcy. I will destroy your so-called life. You can be utterly certain of it.

Have a nice day.



Anonymous said...

Went to see a Private Detective today. Gave him a $250 dollar retainer to find you with another $250 when he does.

If he has no results, I will pay my lawyer to subpoena your records at your Blog, Facebook, etc. Wherever you are, I will either have friends there, or you will have enemies there. As for the "enemies", someone like you has a gazillion or so.

Your @$$ is mine.



$500 REWARD for Insurgency Mod Scum. Not bad IMHO...

Anonymous said...

In case you haven't figured it out, you have p!$$ed me off you nothing little insect. No matter how annonymous you think you are, you can be found. If I'm wrong about who you are, it doesn't matter, I am going to find out. I am pretty much retired now. I have plenty of time on my hands to devote to this. I have enough money to pay whoever I need to to find you.

If I choose to go the legal route, I will contact all of your present and former "victims" and we will see you jailed for Criminal Libel. If you get a GOOD lawyer, you might be out in five years or so. If I don't go legal, then only God will be able to help you. I am a US Army Intelligence Vietnam Veteran, with a body count in three figures, and with what they taught me, well... think about it. It was the real deal. No punk-ass game.

I am going to make the pursuit of you, and retribution for your actions the next phase of my life's work.

H#!!, I'm not working at the moment. I have lots of time and certainly nothing better or more enjoyable to do than to take you out of circulation.

Looking forward to meeting you face-to-face.



Moved from other posts:

Anonymous said...

Repeated(simply copied and pasted) from another post ...

I.M.S. ...

These guys HATE you, you tool !!!!!!!

Here is a copy of an email from New World Interactive about you ...


New World Interactive sent you a message about Insurgency Mod Scum.
Date: 7/11/2012 11:53:58 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time

New World Interactive says:

I can assure you this guy is no affiliate. Would be happy if pulled the plug on him, but apparently it's through Google now and they have a really tedious way of reporting people like this. If you have any ideas about ways to take him down, we're all for it. He's been trying to damage our reputation for a while now and it seems he also slanders individuals as well.



There is other stuff that is much worse, but I promised that I wouldn't share anything from our private correspondence.

But they definitely don't like you, and like so many others, they want you gone.

Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Are we having fun yet ???????

As always...

Good luck in prison ...


I just thought it should be published here as well.


Your favorite "Nazi Mod Scum" ...



Anonymous said...

These guys HATE you, you tool !!!!!!!

Here is a copy of an email from New World Interactive about you ...


New World Interactive sent you a message about Insurgency Mod Scum.
Date: 7/11/2012 11:53:58 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time

New World Interactive says:

I can assure you this guy is no affiliate. Would be happy if pulled the plug on him, but apparently it's through Google now and they have a really tedious way of reporting people like this. If you have any ideas about ways to take him down, we're all for it. He's been trying to damage our reputation for a while now and it seems he also slanders individuals as well.



There is other stuff that is much worse, but I promised that I wouldn't share anything from our private correspondence.

But they definitely don'y like you, and like so many others, they want you gone.

Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Are we having fun yet ???????

As always...

Good luck in prison ...




Anonymous said...

Among other action that I intend to take against you, I have decided that I will start my own Blog, with the express purpose of finding you and holding you accountable for your actions.

There are many people who you have offended and attacked in your cowardly and pathetic style, and I am sure that somewhere among them are those who are looking for you, and even if I fail in my attempts to locate and call you into account for your actions, I am sure that there are others that will be able to do so.

I am going to help bring those people together. I may call the Blog "Get the Insugency Mod Scum Blogger" or some equivalent. Although you may be the smartest, most resourceful, and sneakiest butt-nugget around, there is no way that you are smarter than all of ypour enemies combined.

Together we will find you and hold you accountable for your garbage. You have angered many people who have a lot of clout on the Net. The people at New World Interactive would like to see you gone for instance. There are many others. I will be in touch with all of them if possible and will bring them together in a co-ordinated action against you. You need to answer for your assinine behavior.

I am going to help them (and myself) make this happen.


Anonymous said...

FINALLY, a direct reply. I was wondering just what I would have to say to get you to respond. It is somewhat dissappointing though. I was expecting a scathing and witty retort from one of your obvious intelligence and breeding.

Perhaps direct discourse with you is a mistake. We shall see if you have the stomach for it.

Is there anything that you can say that actually justifies any of your actions other than the pitiful slander that you have already proliferated here? It seems to be a maniacal diatribe against others who have beaten you at your favorite game or somehow otherwise offended you in some manner by calling you out on your disgusting comportment.

In order to cope with the @$$-whippings that you incurred at the hands of your peers in "Insurgency", your online obssession and apparently the only thing that justifies your worthless existence, the bans you have been presented with in the various websites that you have invaded with your detestible presence, and your rejection by the Internet community, you had to start your own pitiful Blog.

Here you can control the content, edit any remarks that you don't like, delete those that you can't deal with, and alter any content that you can't best at your own whim.

I have noticed that already you have alterred and/or "removed" several of my comments, and completely eliminated a couple of my posts.

Did it make you feel important? Godlike perhaps? Did it make up for your small penis? For your rejection by the opposite sex? For you inability to have any meaningful relationship that doesn't involve the palm of your hand?

I'll bet that when you are with a female that even if you do get it up, you cum before you can even get it in, maybe before it is even out of your pants.

Are you in therapy? Are you able to get counselling for your apparent mental deficiencies? I hope so.

Someone who does the kind of thing that you are doing here has real problems. Every time I hear about someone climbing a tower with a gun and shooting people I will wonder if it is you. Every time I read about some nut-case dying in a shoot-out with police, I will wonder if it is you.

One can hope.

Good luck in prison.


Anonymous said...

Lol. The owner of this blog... Oh man. What a character.

Anonymous said...

Setting up pages with malicious script on your Blog?

I have reported you to the SBI, the FBI, The CIA, and the Department of Homeland Security for Cyber-Terrorism.

You IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!! That was totally unnecessary. I'm in the phonebook, you fool.

I can't believe you could be so stupid. No ... wait ... YES !!! I Can !!!

It's what you are !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can you spell F-E-L-O-N-Y ?

Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Good luck in prison !!!!!!!


PS ... I am firewalled and my browser is sandboxed.

What a tool you are.

Anonymous said...

[This is a long post. It will have to be in parts]

Yeah he is definitely a character.

So to you, Insurgency Scum-sucking scuzz...

You have set up an anonymous blog to defame those who have somehow offended you.

And so now it is I who somehow have offended your delicate sensibilities.

Evidently I must have called you to task about some Rules violation, or some obnoxious or rude behavior on your part on the TP website. After reading the garbage that you have posted here, I have no doubt that you behave poorly wherever you go and whatever you do, so this seems a likely senario.

So I became "Forum Nazi Scum" and you felt the undeniable compulsion to post your malignment of me (and the others here also), to somehow stroke and sooth your battered ego and sense of self.

I would like to point out though, that even if I disagreed with you (perhaps put you in your place? a perverse compulsion of my own sometimes, I will concede), or argued with you at some point during your "stay" at TP, and thereby p!$$ed you off to the extent that I became your mortal enemy and you were compelled to call me out here, that I am not, nor have I ever been a Moderator or Staff member of any kind on that site. I am a simple Member there, and that is all I have ever been.

"Banned"? "Miserable User"?

I had nothing to do with it. I have no reason to lie about that, as I could care less what you think about it. But it is just one little lie of yours that I would like to set straight.

Would I have done so if I could and you had demonstrated the deranged style and demented comportment that you have shown here? You can bet your bottom dollar that I would have, but I don't have, and I have never have had, that power.

Because of this I cannot be, nor could I ever have been, responsible for banning you or relegating you to "miserable user" status. You are undeniably a miserable user, what you have done here proves that beyond a shred of doubt, but you did that little number on yourself. It is your own detestable personality and disturbed mind that have sentenced you to be banned from there and from so many other places.

Let me inquire, in your heart of hearts, are you receiving some type of spiritual recompense from lashing out at those who you perceive have "hurt" you? You have set up this place, and you have waged war against your enemies from a hidden vantage point, where you don't really have to "face" those whom you accuse in any real sense.

Tell me, how is it working out for you? Does it make you feel as if you are somehow morally or intelectually superior to them/us? Do you get some kind of perverse mental orgasm from doing this?

Who are you? Not your identity, I know your frightned little "inner child" is in control and you would never have the courage to tell that, but just what makes you tick? What sort of nutcase does the kind of thing that you have done here?

You publish nasty diatribes about your "enemies" on the internet. Hiding in the shadows and saying bad things about others is pretty lame. It is a sign of a weak and twisted personality.

Hiding "in the dark" and calling people names?

It says really bad things about you and who you are. It is an evil thing.

It is the signature of a COWARD.

[Continued Below]

Anonymous said...


Don't you see that this is BAD karma for you? You have armed your soul, your own personal light, with an evil aura and a vicious set of teeth. You should be very careful. That sort of karma has a way of coming back and biting you in the ass. It will doom you to a Spiritual Hell from which you will never escape. As "Obi-wan" said, "That way lies madness." Turn from the dark side, while you are still able to do so.

Setting up a site on which the main goal is the defamation of others is sick. You are a terribly, pathetically twisted individual. There have been case studies done and examples of your type of mental illness in countless psychology studies. On a purely intellectual level it is fascinating.

But by every standard of accepted human interaction this is wrong.

It is also against Federal law and FCC regulations to do much of what you do here. Basically this is a hate site, and hate sites violate a lot of rules.

I know for a fact that you have already been reported by some rather influential organizations and individuals, and eventually they are going to take this site down, so I really have no need to do anything myself as far as this is concerned.

As you have been in so many other places, you will be removed from this place. The only reason that they (the blogger site administation) haven't already done so is that they are so sensitive to the tenet of freedom of internet speech, and in truth, I have to agree with them on that.

Freedom of "speech" and information on the net needs to be defended at ALL costs, even to the point of giving someone like you a soapbox to rant and spread lies from.

Though you post total trash that is clearly designed only to hurt others and build your own pitiful sense of self-worth up by doing so, I believe that I should support you, even in this nefarious endeavor, because a freedom taken away from one individual is a freedom taken away from everyone.

After all, during the course of my life I have tried to champion some of the causes that enable someone such as yourself to have the right to do this, however misguided and wronfully conceived it may be.

So ... I have thought it over and if somehow this revenge blog of yours provides some kind of healing for you or serves to build up your apparently fragile ego, maybe providing the release that you need so that you don't actually one day climb that tower with the sniper rifle, then you go just go ahead and say what you wish about me.

If we were able to discuss it we might reach an understanding of sorts, but you don't seem willing to do that.

I have confronted you, I have threatened you, I have accused you, I have tried every tactic I could think of to get you to respond. I have called you to task on many levels. I have done everything that I could to try to draw you into some sort of dialogue, but it seems that you aren't capable of saying much more than a few words at a time unless it is some chicken-shit
slander that you are able to post behind someone's back.

It is a shame that you don't have the guts to engage in a real conversation with me. It is clear that you are not capable of interacting on that level though. You just don't have the cahones for it.

"Flexing your nuts"? It doesn't look as if you have any nuts to flex.

[Continued Below]

Anonymous said...


I will say what I think about you, just as you have done about myself and the others you have acted as if you were calling to answer for their "crimes". It was just cowardly ranting on your part though. You don't have much to say when one of them (me) comes to confront you directly. Let me tell you unequivocally, I am watching you. Say what you wish here. I am going to say what I wish. Post all of the lies and inuendo and dirty falsehoods that you want.

If you continue, don't expect ME not to call you out from time to time though. You are a nasty, slimy little weasel, and you definitely need somebody watching over your shoulder. For now I am that someone.

There is nothing that you can do to hurt me. I am 60 years old and semi-retired with a monthly income of almost four thousand dollars after taxes. My home and the 13 1/2 acres it sits on are paid for. I own one car (a Buick Regal Custom) and a van (a Ford Econoline 150) free and clear, and I owe just over two thousand dollars on my other car, a NICE Chevy Malibu. My TOTAL debt is less than five thousand bucks, not counting a couple of thousand in Medical bills. I live in a small town where everyone that matters to me has known me for my whole life (or else a great deal of theirs). You think you might hurt me by publishing my name and IP adress on your insignificant little blog? Publishing my name and address on the Net can't hurt me, everybody around here already knows it and knows that I am a Member at tehPARADOX. Heck, I advertised that at my Computer Business for a couple of years before I recently closed it and retired. I also have freely stated my real complete name and credentials at the TP website on more than one occasion, along with pictures. You can look me up in the phone book if you like, so publishing my name and address and acting as if it is some kind of big deal and that it can hurt me in some way is just stupid. You can't hurt me professionally. The only thing I have going on even a remotely professional level is that I have a ten-year lease on a 25x60 foot commercial property where I still own and operate a private, well-equipped little electronics shop where I work just as I damned-well-please. I also have an eBay business where I have been a member for over twelve years and I still have a 100% positive feedback rating. I have been married to the same drop-dead gorgeous woman for forty-two years and my children are grown (my baby is thirty-three), and my family, including my extended family, is close. They are all well off financially and well-connected socially and politically. Since you know so much about me, you should already know that my Brother is a powerful and influential member of the community and is socially and politically active, and my sister is a former Secretary of the North Carolina Democratic Party, and is a personal friend of Hilary Clinton. Yes, THAT Hilary Clinton, Secretary of State of the United States of
America, and head of the United States Justice Department. She has dined at the White House. Think about that for a moment.

I would post a list of my personal friends but I am sure they would be offended by my casual dropping of their names on the Net, however, among them are quite a few members of Law Enforcement, two Superior Court Judges, a Member of the House of Representatives, etc, etc.

Think I am lying? All public Record. You know my name and address. Look it up.

The only serious threat I will make towards you is this, I can truly and legally squash you if you actually do manage to make me forget that I am a Christian, and therefore obligated to follow those principles, so ...


[Continued Below]

Anonymous said...


So far I have simply been playing a game, toying with you, but you have shown me that you you play dirty with that malware attack, and so this is no longer a game. I can LEGALLY squash you like the bug you are any time I so desire with a couple of phone calls, but I do believe in right and wrong, and as much as I am allowed to do so, in turning the other cheek, especially with someone who is as emotionally warped and mentally challenged as yourself.

Although I have said some decidedly un-Christian things in my previous posts (rants?), in my attempts to somehow get you to respond, I believe in the Verse, "Vengeance is Mine, sayeth the Lord.", and as much as is possible and to whatever degree I am allowed to do so, I attempt to live by that creed. I do however, occasionally have a little trouble with the "Turn the other cheek" thing, and I have a ZERO-TOLERANCE POLICY on those who would do things that might hurt my Family.

Think you can say or do anything to to actually hurt me personally? Take your shot if you want. I have already stated that you could say anything that you want about me personally and I meant it, just don't expect me not to respond in kind.

But I will say this, if you hurt someone else that I care about ...

You WILL see the inside of that prison that I mentioned ...

if you're lucky.


Anonymous said...

I hear crickets ......

Anonymous said...

Ran across a link to this place and thought I would give you a shout.

Why would you ever want to do shit like this?

You just wouldn't engage in a dialogue. Reason didn't work, Kindness didn't work. Humor didn't work. Outrageous didn't work. Threats didn't work.

I don't know, Jon, Why wouldn't you just talk?


Have a nice life, wherever you are. I hope things get better for you. Must be Hell, whatever it is that made you what you are, it must be Hell.

Nothing but good wishes for you dude.

If I added to your burden, I am sorry for doing so.

Have a good life.


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