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What Happens To Our Musical Taste As We Age?

give up implies it has potential. (Score:5, Interesting)
by nimbius (983462) on Thursday May 14, 2015 @04:06PM (#49692575) Homepage

Pop music is 'given up' because it targets a demographic of youth as a branding and marketing driver. Bieber sells the idea of manufactured sex appeal to young women, while angsty pop rock sells the idea of rebellion and individuality through consumption to boys. LMFAO and Pitbull are just clever branded advertising for premium alcoholic spirits and luxury apparel/vehicles. They set a standard outside of childhood that no self-respecting adult would entertain.

Thirty somethings are a very difficult democraphic to market anything to. Pop themes like true love, freedom, rebellion, and partying fall on the deaf ears of millenials who've seen systemic police corruption and racism as a tool of an increasingly totalitarian state basically wipe the concepts out. Miley Cyrus' magical transformation into some glam rocker didnt shock us because we didnt grow up caring about the moral majority and conservative culture war dogma.


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