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Pro Tip: "Unofficial Intersquad Communication Protocol"



InterSquad Communication Protocol

Unofficial Intersquad Communication Protocol

Note: In the following protocols and examples, the letter "R" is used at the beginning of transmissions. This is meant to be spoken, and is a nonsense syllable, used in order to prevent the main message being cut off or being lost through distortion.

NB: The following protocols were, essentially, designed for use in scrims. They should be used by squad-leaders on Teamspeak, in the equivalent of the War Room channel.

Communication of Threats and Enemy Movements

Comms in the War Room help SLs and the CO maintain situational awareness. The scan function only reveals static red dots, and SLs are focused on their own corner of the battle. The following protocol provides a timely indication of the movements of enemy forces, particularly organised or fast-moving ones. Ideally, this will prevent small, quick vehicles maneuvering through our lines and seizing undefended bases.

Initiator:R <Squad-number>, this is <Squad-number>, <number and type of enemy>, <heading>, <ETA>, (spotted)
Responder:Copy <Squad-number>, <repeats stated ETA>
Responder: This is <Squad-number>, threat neutralised

SL 1: R Squad 3, this is Squad 1, 2 enemy buggies holding 3 infantry moving south-east along road, ETA 20 seconds. Spotted.
SL 3: Copy Squad 1, ETA 20 seconds
*25 seconds later*
SL 3: This is Squad 3, threat neutralised

This protocol can also be used if a second squad is not immediately in the path of the enemy. However, rather than indicating a specific squad in the protocol, the initiator refers generally to friendlies located in a certain area, or to a number of squads.

SL 1: R Squads south-east of the Refinery, this is Squad 1. 2 enemy buggies holding 3 infantry moving south-east along road. Spotted.
SL 3: R Squad 1, this is Squad 3. Copy, moving to contact.
*25 seconds later*
SL 3: This is Squad 3, threat neutralised.

Pilots and gunners in vehicles not engaged in combat should be spotting and calling out threats. In particular, aerial reconnaissance can be extremely helpful.

Interception of Attacking Forces
Here's the scenario:
On Dragon Valley, the USMC has one squad (Squad 1) set up on defense at the Hill Village, and one at the Power Station (Squad 3). The PLA controls the Refinery, and is using it as a jumping-off point to assault the Hill Village. Squad 1 is having trouble dealing with the large contingent of armour trundling down the hill, and as a result sends out a general request to squads for assistance.

SL 1: All, this is Squad 1 at Hill Village, taking heavy fire via recurring assaults. Requesting assistance from available forces.
SL 3: R Squad 1, this is Squad 3. Copy that, assistance is available.
SL 1: Roger Squad 3, initiate interception of the enemy forces south of my position.

From here, the forces sent by squad 3 use their initiative and set up an ambush along the roadside, replete with mines and C4 on the road. This ordnance holds back the enemy. However, such a protocol is to be used when a squad is under recurring attack. If being overwhelmed in a firefight, an adaptation of that protocol is used, and the initiator specifices that they do not need an interception.

Initiator: All, this is <Squad> at <Location>, taking <level of resistance> via <recurring assaults/single assault>. Requesting assistance from available forces.
Responder: R <Squad>, this is <Squad>. Copy that, assistance is available.
Initiator: Roger <Squad>, initiate interception of the enemy forces at<location>.

If assistance is unavailable, no reply is made.

Flanking is a procedure that can be carried out fairly efficiently within a squad, through the division of fire teams. The same principle applies to flanking with multiple squads, but the manner of communication differs slightly.

First of all, one squad-leader (the initiator) must make the call on how the maneuver will be set up. From here, sides and entries/exits of assault are assigned, as are vehicles.

Initiator: R <Squad>, this is <Squad>. Begin flanking maneuver on <Location>.
Responder: Roger, awaiting orders.
Initiator: R <Squad>, take up position on Northern and Eastern entry points, and man the available armour. Fire condition <green/orange/red>.
Responder: R <Squad>, this is <Squad>, <ready and positioned/not ready>
Initiator: Roger that <Squad>, move <on my signal/at assigned time>

Admittedly, flanking maneuvers take a little while to set up. However, this is belied by their effectiveness. Movement to the objective is the best time to initiate this radio protocol, so that everything is arranged upon arrival.

Coordination of Vehicles
Vehicles equal movement, and movement is one of the cornerstones to victory. Negotiating the use and management of vehicles among squads allows one to maximise the efficiency of transport. For example, an armour squad may use their APCs to give another squad a lift to an objective, or may surrender an APC for the greater good. The variety of situations that can emerge make it difficult to form a protocol for this, but remember to keep up the comms.

After an engagement, squads are often at a half or a quarter of their normal strength. They may be low on ammo, injured, or possibly both. However, stopping and resting will use up valuable time, but being involved immediately in combat will mean death.

An efficient way to get resupplied is to have another squad get some supplies down in time for your arrival. As you pass through their base of operations on your way to another objective, you simply stop off, grab a medpack or two and head off. This should be organised via a series of requests on TS, and a position for the supplies should be specified.

Synchronization of Attacks
Initiating a number of attacks simultaneously, either in conjunction in a single Operation, or in two separate points on opposite sides of the map, will demoralize, confuse and destabilise an enemy. The key to achieving this is timing. Perfect timing, however, is difficult to accomplish in BF2.
There are 3 main ways of synchronizing movements:
1."Game Time" - Time left in a round.
2. "Real Time" - Time on your clock, next to your computer
3. "Signals" - An action carried out in the virtual world acting as a sign to initiate actions.
The use of these should be organised before a match, and should be practiced and specificed when used in the War Room.


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