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Qotes: Bush family, United Fruit AKA Chiquita and the Nazis


There's a direct connection between the Bush family and United Fruit, aka Chiquita, through HW's company Zapata Offshore. This was a company founded by George H.W. Bush, which was originally bankrolled by Brown Brothers Harriman, who just happened to be partners with Prescott Bush, all of whom, in October 1942, had ALL of their financial assets seized for violating the Trading With The Enemies Act (they were bankers to the Nazi's through half of WW2. They were responsible for, among other things, providing loans and financial support to the Nazi party in their buildup to WW2. Their financing paid for a vast amount of the raw materials needed for Hitler's war machine). In 1969, three years after HW sold his shares in Zapata, that company purchased United Fruit.

Zapata is well known to have been a CIA front company from the getgo. And the CIA is now known to have conspired to protect countless Nazi "assets", aka war criminals, by bringing them to the United States and giving them jobs in the US Intelligence community. It didn't matter to the CIA that many of these Nazi's were mass murderers, they only cared that these psychopaths might provide help in establishing the Cold War, and of course, the arms race that fed the ravenous military-industrial complex ever since. In other words, there is a direct connection between the Nazi's, the CIA, the Bush family and United Fruit, in that chronological order. So, next time you eat a Chiquita banana, shout sieg heil!

The 3rd Reich may have died in 1945, but it's surviving remnants rapidly morphed into the 4th Reich, aka the CIA and of course, the illustrious Republican party that supported every evil thing that they've done since. It is my theory, that the original military-industrial complex (version 1.0) was planned by the likes of Brown Brothers Harriman and Prescott Bush, after they made their initial contacts with Hitler in the 20's. Hitler certainly would have been a fan of eugenics, and so was Prescott Bush, and his business partners. With their theories of a master race through eugenic breeding (and of course, sterilization of the unclean and imperfect) it would have been an easy jump to the pyschopathy of building a massive military-industrial fascist state to enforce that principle, and make a hefty profit while doing it. Wiping out Jews, Gypsies and all of the races they considered inferior, just icing on the blood soaked cake.

When the Cold War was firmly established, and the Pentagon was NOT turned into the warehouse it was intended to be after the war, the military-industrial complex version 2.0 became a permanent part of American life. And the rest is history. Perhaps the Nazi experiment was just a shake-down of the concept and techniques, and in the end, infiltrating the US government and essentially taking it over from within, was the goal? It would take a lot of research, and a considerable amount of personal risk, for anyone to ever dig up the dirt on this one however. All just theories…but compelling when you start poking around and connecting the dots from what's actually on the record. United Fruit/Chiquita is just the tip of a very very deep ocean of blood and viscera.

And this is only about the don't want to look at the "assets" the CIA got from Japan. Don't look up the name Shiro Ishii and Unit 731 at Pingfang. This man was a nightmare. This history is a nightmare...and one more connection to the CIA, Fort Detrick and the post WW2 reconfiguration to a Cold War footing. No level of criminality, brutality and savagery was too much for the CIA to "overlook", if they felt it was in their interests, and if there was profit to be made. Ishii was one of the most vile human beings to have ever been born...and he died peacefully in his bed in 1959. Ironically, if China or Russia had ever gotten their hands on these criminals, they would have put them to death without question.


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