Time Travel Movies.
Shows. People Watchlist. Link Collection. OLD STICKY
Cryptome. Christos Military and Intelligence Corner. Electrospaces.
steamid.co.uk steamrep.com
Playing Insurgency, flexin my nuts, keeping it real.
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Close. Should have went with the double breasted black or grey suite and shades (see pics below). |
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Notepad++ Shortcut Mapper. |
Frankly speaking, that ZIP (from the http://imsky.co/notes/nodejs-portable-windows-version-15 page you've given as an example) seems somewhat unnecessary complex for a portable version of Node.
Look, if you need just a portable Node.js engine, you could simply grab http://nodejs.org/dist/latest/node.exe and save it somewhere and run it whenever you want a JavaScript file executed: \path\to\saved\node.exe scriptname.js. It's that simple, and I cannot imagine a portable version simpler than a single executable file. (See the Installing without building section in the Installation article of the Node's wiki for more details, if you need them.)
Of course, if you are not happy until the necessary command is as simple as node scriptname.js, then you have to alter the PATH variable on your system accordingly (i.e. add Node's path to that variable); and if you also need npm, you have to download npm's latest ZIP from http://nodejs.org/dist/npm/ and unpack it to the same subdirectory where your Node is.
All of the above are relatively simple operations, they do not require any installers, everything can be easily done manually, and all the necessary files (Node's EXE file and npm's ZIP) are already provided officially.
Contrary to the popular belief, you won't need to alter your system's registry or create the NODE_PATH variable at all.
When you need to update your portable Node engine, just download the latest http://nodejs.org/dist/latest/node.exe and replace your former node.exe.
When you need to update your portable npm, use the npm update npm -g command.
As an ordinary human being, you may feel that there is nothing you can do in the fight against terrorism. You couldn't be more wrong.You see, terrorism directly targets ordinary people. You, an ordinary person, can deny terrorists their victory simply by refusing to be a victim. Believe it or not, you have a choice in the matter. This is because the victims of terrorism are not simply those who get blown up during the initial attack. It's the people who are scared to fly in airplanes or visit big cities afterwards. It's the people who get dragged into a war against an abstract concept. It's the people who get attacked in the street because they look like they might come from a hot country.I live in England. On July 7, 2005, our capital city was bombed. This was our reaction. Read it. Read it all, and learn. The attack failed. Terrorist attacks can fail, despite the body count, simply because of human spirit. And once terrorism ceases to be effective, terrorism will cease.Here is how you, an ordinary human being, can fight terrorism:Ignore it.The more you think about a threat, the larger it grows in your mind. The more you talk about it, the more worried you and people around you become. So quit talking about terrorism. Quit seeking out horror stories in news shows and on the internet. The media's job is to sensationalise things to get you to watch them. That's how they get ratings and they are very, very good at it. Don't get dragged in by these ploys. Turn off the sensationalist television. Be informed, yes, but don't stand for any of that alarmism, speculation, bias, uncertainty and denial.Instead:Know the facts. There is no risk.The odds against you being killed in a terrorist attack are millions to one. Ditto plane crashes. Only somebody who regularly enters lottery draws would be put off by odds like these. You have more chance of dying in a car crash tomorrow, and do you fret about that? Hell no.Understanding this will enable you to:Show no fear.Terrorism, by its very definition, sets out to provoke terror. If you are scared afterwards, the act of terrorism was successful. If you refuse to be intimidated, the terrorists have lost. It really is as simple as that. You are not a mindless animal. You can choose not to give in to your basic impulses. Show some backbone.Don't be provoked.Don't get irrationally angry against the entire country that the terrorists originate from. Don't start to take out that anger on nearby people who look like they might be from that country. And don't accept a similar reaction from your leaders. The reason? Hate breeds terrorism. If you attack people, you give them motivation to retaliate. And if you hit back harder then they'll hit back harder still. It's a cycle of aggression which only you can break.As the attacked party, you're supposed to be the good guy here: act like it. Back down. Walk away. Be the bigger man.Stay free.Refuse to let your civil liberties be restricted. Benjamin Franklin said that "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." But you won't even get safety, just the illusion of safety. Security cameras on subways won't stop terrorism. Compulsory ID cards won't stop terrorism. Suicide bombers don't care if they get identified. There are better ways to fight terrorism and, as I said above, there are more people to protect from its effects than just those caught in the blast radius. Don't stand for it.Refuse to alter your lifestyle in any way.That sums the whole thing up. Bury your dead. Heal your wounded. Rebuild stronger. Go the hell back to work the next morning.
I began by removing from my list of Facebook friends people who persistently declared themselves to be fans of asinine, obvious things, like "sleep".No, quite frankly, I do not wish to know that you appreciate Saturdays, toast, or Kramer from "Seinfeld". This does not improve my opinion of you. In fact, I hardly have any opinion of you other than what I see you doing on Facebook! I haven't seen you since primary school! If, indeed, I've ever even met you!Some people find this stuff as annoying as I do and simply ignore it all, but then some people don't use Adblock because they can put up with moving objects in their peripheral vision all day every day. As for me, I find "unfriend" to be the most effective ignore. Don't get me wrong. I'm still pro-toast. Toaist, if you will. But I don't need Facebook to express that, nor (due to nagging security concerns and the simple fact that Facebook is their site, not mine) is Facebook the medium I want to use to express that. So eventually I gave up and I left entirely.It feels like sites like Facebook channel all of our free expression into neat, pre-moulded boxes. "Susie is a fan of writing!" "Ed is in love with Tina!" Dang it, show us the writing! Show us the love! It's like it's become impossible to express any relationship below "friend", and it's impossible to express any feeling below "is a fan of". It's like talking using corporation-manufactured language, in which all we can do is proclaim our fondness for a product, or else keep silent. It reduces everything to a binary love/don't love choice. Personality tests? Great! Answer all these questions, and we will tell you that you, like all humans, fall into one of these eight categories of people! Isn't that INFORMATIVE? Didn't you learn something?And Twitter? One hundred and forty characters is not, and should not be, enough to express yourself. These days it seems like brevity equates with legitimacy, because if you can summarise your opinion in fewer syllables than your opponent then you can repeat your message more times in a given space, which means people are more swayed, and you can fit your message into smaller commercial spaces, which means more people will bother to read it. Truly important and meaningful statements are big thoughts with great nuance and irreducible complexity, becoming meaningless if interrupted halfway. Arguments cannot be easily dissected into two opposing viewpoints. You are not a) wholly right or b) wholly wrong.You will not be able to stay home, blogger.You will not be able to dial up, log in and cop out.You will not be able to watch the revolution unfold on your RSS feed because the revolution will not be tweeted.The revolution will not be tweeted; the revolution will not cost ninety-nine cents from iTunes; the revolution will not appear on Fark, Digg, Reddit or Metafilter, nor be brought to you by Randall Munroe, Ben Croshaw, Jack Thompson, Ron Paul or Stephen Colbert. The revolution will not be tagged "nsfw" or locked for editing by newly-registered users due to persistent vandalism.The revolution will not have rounded corners because the revolution will not be tweeted.
So here's the thing about Facebook (which I left some time ago).It's 2010. All information is viral. Not in the good way, "This will catch on fast! Alternate reality games! Memes in the misinterpreted sense!", in a "contagious infection that you can't stop from spreading" way.Let's say I make a profile for myself online and I choose to share its most sordid details only with my very closest friends. Firstly, my closest friends are distinct people. They have their own rights, profiles and security settings. They can share anything they wish with anybody they wish. Even if they choose to only share the data with their closest friends, this is not an idempotent operation. Applied sufficiently many times, everybody is a closest friend of a closest friend of [...] a closest friend of everybody else who uses Facebook or not, including my friends, mother, shareholders, boss and wife. In addition, there is the company who hosts my profile. Do they have the right to share my data? Well, I gave it to them voluntarily. And I click "Yes" every time their EULA changes.What else are they going to do with it? Hosting and accumulating data is all Facebook does.Facebook has not gone rogue or turned evil. It has abandoned pretence.Facebook is not a charity. Why does it host ridiculous polls and let you say "I Like It"? Why does it track your personal information and shopping habits and responses to advertisements and potentially every other action you take? Because the accumulation and sale of demographic data - about YOU, its users - is its primary business model. Maybe there were a few noble idealistic months at the beginning of the site's existence when it truly was there to make people happy and nothing else, but now it has hosting costs beyond your wildest nightmares, which must be covered somehow. This - user data, and advertising targeted with pinpoint accuracy - was always the only way that the site was ever going to turn a profit. To assume otherwise is naïve, and to think that an open-source alternative will solve this problem doubly so.It is not practical - in fact, it's practically oxymoronic - for a social networking site to keep data private, and it is dishonest for a social networking site to pretend that it can keep your data private while continuing to cover operating costs. Zuckerberg made remarks some months ago about wishing Facebook had never had privacy controls, and was lambasted for it. I'm dubious of his motives, but I call his conclusions pragmatic and justifiable. Dear user: Keep your information to yourself, or share it with the entire listening universe, corporations included. There is no longer a middle ground. This is not a relaxation of privacy controls. This is an increasingly bare-faced confession of underlying principles. We're in a world where personal information is free-as-in-speech but valuable-as-in-beer.Social networking has been like this since it began, and it will be like this until long after you die. This Is The Way The World Is Going To Work Now. The more plain the sites' intentions are, and the more consumers understand about how the net is going to work going forward, the better. Knowing this is good for you. You may decide this is fine, and that's fine, or not, and that's fine too. The important thing is that your decision is informed.
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Fuck Google. |
www.google.com###gbw > div > .gb_pa.gb_Zc.gb_r.gb_0c.gb_e > .gb_r.gb_0c.gb_ba > .gb_ia.gb_tb.gb_ub.gb_ea > .gb_ha
net user administrator /active:yesControl Panel -> UsersCreate password for Administrator.EverythingServiceStart.batrunas /user:administrator /savecred "cmd /c net start Everything & timeout 3"start /b %cd%\everything\everything.exeEverythingServiceStop.bat::runas.exe /user:administrator /savecred "cmd /c net stop Everything & timeout 3"::runas.exe /user:administrator /savecred "cmd /c taskkill /f /im everything.exe & timeout 3"runas.exe /user:administrator /savecred "cmd /c net stop Everything & timeout 3 & taskkill /f /im everything.exe & timeout 3"
When using cmd.exe, you can put multiple commands on the same line by using ‘&’ or ‘&&’ between commands. Using a single ampersand (&) will cause the first command and then the second command to be run in sequence. Using double ampersands (&&) introduces error checking. The second command will run only if the first command is successful.
Fight ChoreographerMarkos RounthwaiteArmourerJuan Ramon MolinaArmourer AssistantAntonion MolinaArmourer to Mr PennCesar AbadesArmourer UKNick JeffriesArmourers DailiesDamian MitchellAdam GoodallArmoury SABrian WentzelArmouryMolina Armas S.L.Military Costume Design AssistantNathaniel TurnerMilitary AdvisorsSir Billy BillinghamChristopher SargeantKrav Maga TrainersMichael MargolinWayne MillerPolice AdvisorRafael Navea MorenoCreative ConsultantJim ThompsonPersonal Trainer to Mr PennRay KybartasCuriously Mr Elba requires *two* hair stylists ;) :Paul JobBrett Mayo
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Stringer Bell |
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"Cmder" Button in Total Commander |
Ads (3)Adblock Warning Removal List : 79 used out of 83purge cacheAnti-Adblock Killer | Reek (raw.githubusercontent.com): 4,017 used out of 4,130purge cachePeter Lowe’s Ad server list (yoyo.org): 1,573 used out of 2,416purge cacheMalware domains (4)Malware Domain List (malwaredomainlist.com): 1,429 used out of 1,429purge cacheMalware domains : 9,511 used out of 9,740purge cacheMalware domains (long-lived) : 0 used out of 3,450purge cacheSpam404 (spam404bl.com): 5,161 used out of 5,165purge cacheSocial (1)Anti-ThirdpartySocial (see warning inside list) (fanboy.co.nz): 58 used out of 78purge cacheMultipurpose (4)Dan Pollock’s hosts file (someonewhocares.org): 8,927 used out of 10,906purge cacheFanboy+Easylist-Merged Ultimate List (fanboy.co.nz): 91,056 used out of 91,128purge cachehpHosts’s Ad and tracking servers (hosts-file.net): 38,464 used out of 44,897purge cacheMVPS HOSTS (mvps.org): 13,284 used out of 13,658purge cacheCustom (3)Fanboy's Anti-thirdparty Fonts : 39 used out of 39purge cacheYoutube: Pure Video Experience : 19 used out of 19purge cache
12 Jun 2015 01:27:00In 6.7.9 release, 2 context menus are added on status bar, sort lines features are enhanced, copy (to clipboard) in found results panel and find in files modal dialog are improved, and the new feature launch a new Notepad++ instance with administrator privilege to save the system protection file is added.21 Jun 2015 11:18:00A critical issue (hanging on exit) and a [IMS: begin strikethrough text] regression (JavaScript is not recognized in HTML document) [IMS: end strikethrough text] have has been fixed in release.23 Jun 2015 00:31:43A regression (JavaScript is not recognized in HTML document) has been fixed in release.
Re:This is about "Adblock Plus" not "AdBlock" (Score:2)by xenoc_1 (140817) on Thursday June 18, 2015 @07:38PM (#49940893)And I say unto thee, "RTFP". I explicitly noted that with this: "has that feature turned on by default, so most non-techies see ads from Eyeo customers."Wherein I made clear that most non-technical users, which are not most of us Slashdot members, will leave it as-is. Implied, and from years of experience with non-technical users, because non-techies don't know/don't understand how/are afraid, to change anything from "normal".Which means that Eyeo, Inc. continues to create a big user base of "pay for play" payola opportunities to sell to Google, Amazon, and other ad networks. And indeed they do sell the right to be listed as "Acceptable Ads" - it's right on their website, buried in weasel-words but there, and it's been in plenty of news articles about them. You do the DuckBingGoogle if you want cites of sites. Yes, the small guys, like my blog or yours, can probably get listed as "Acceptable" for free, and Eyeo will have a big public discussion on each and every one of those on their site, because, "transparency". But the details of the huge moneyflows from Google et al will not be there.Here's the thing: Ad blockers are not default in any browser nor as part of any operating system. Which means that anyone who installs an ad blocker has already made an affirmative choice to block ads. That means it's contrary to common sense and clearly against the desire of the user, for any "ad blocker" to have a default setting that deliberately allows ads - ANY ads.Unless, of course, the "user" AKA "the customer" is NOT the person who installs the adblocker. Unless that person is the product. And for Eyeo, the person using Adblock Plus is no longer the user/customer, they are the "product" - the eyeballs being sold to their real customer, the companies that pay Eyeo to be part of the "Acceptable Ads" program.It's not "you can just turn it off". It's how the very concept of a partially non-blocking adblocker, and a very non-transparent financial arrangement between Eeyo and "BigAdNetworks", is inherently contrary to the baseline concept and user case for an adblocker.Obviously I didn't need somebody to lecture me about the existing of Adblock Edge, or the ABP checkbox, or the other various adblocking options, when I put references to such things right in my post.And for the record, in the years of using Adblock Edge, its brief predecessor Adblock Light, the pre-Acceptable Ads Adblock Plus, and since this month, uBlock and now after reflection on their ethics, uBlock Origin instead, I have and continue to un-block many sites, specific third-party networks, major affiliate-link trackers such as Amazon Associates, Commission Junction, Shareasale, Linkshare, etc., so that small webmasters and some large websites who aren't eyebleed-inducing, can get some potential monetization from my use. I even sometimes go back to look for and click through an ad of specific interest, or via a site's affiliate link, to a product/service I'm considering buying. I also run a few affiliate link ads on some of my own sites - and make sure I do nothing to force people to unblock them. In fact, I suggest adblockers and privacy blockers right in the privacy policy on my sites.Difference between that and the skeevy policies of Adblock Plus/Eyeo: Transparency and full choice. Choice on my part as to ads I want to see, choice on visitors to my sites on how they can not see ads and not get into my analytics. No pay-for-play, no whitelisting decisions made for somebody else.Anybody who can't see the difference is either a) brainwashed, b) a sockpuppet for the ad industry, c) a sockpuppet for Eyeo/Adblock Plus (which really is part of the ad industry at this point), or d) naïve.Ghostery, Inc is totally open and fully upfront about their connection to the advertising industry. And their not-quite-equivalent feature is OPT-IN, rather than OPT-OUT.AdBlock (Chrome) as far as I know was never really Open Source - it was one-time-nag (install-time) donationware but not with a "libre" license. I may misremember that. They have an OPT-IN for "I like that text ads on Google search, let me see them" and I always opt-IN. Because, it's MY proactive affirmative choice. Just like Ghostery's OPT-IN to GhostRank, which I ignore and it defaults to the most-private setting.Ghostery does not block anything by default, but they are clear about it, and the whole idea is to choose what to block.There's nothing unethical about what either Ghostery or AdBlock are doing. There is plenty unethical and contrary-to-concept of what Eyeo/Adblock Plus is doing. And there's possible something sketchy about what uBlock is doing, which is why I have switched to the original creator's uBlock Origin.
This is about "Adblock Plus" not "AdBlock" (Score:5, Informative)by xenoc_1 (140817) on Thursday June 18, 2015 @02:32PM (#49938465)Seriously folks, pay some attention to the name of the product and what it means. It's stuff that matters."AdBlock": A Chrome, and later other platform, ad blocking extension that has nothing whatsoever to do with "Adblock Plus" either in terms of codebase or project history."Adblock Plus" (note no MixedCase): The increasingly-monetizing adblocker which is owned and marketed by for-profit company Eyeo, that Wladimir Palant created to make money with the open source adblocker he took over as maintainer years ago, but did not create. The one that takes money from advertisers to whitelist so-called "Acceptable Ads" and has that feature turned on by default, so most non-techies see ads from Eyeo customers."adblock": Not a product at all but a generic term for an advertising, and sometimes also privacy, blocking extension for browsers. There are many competing products which might be generically called "adblock"."adblocker" A more obviously generic term for the set of "adblocker" products that include, among many others, AdBlock, Adblock Plus, Adblock Edge, Bluhell Firewall, uBlock, uBlock Origin."Adblock" One of, if not the, earliest adblocking extensions for Firefox. Long obsolete, it was the inspiration for, and partially the codebase for the first version, of Adblock Plus. The maintainer of AdBlock (note the MixedCase) also claims Adblock is an inspiration for AdBlock but is no part of its codebase.The article is about only Adblock Plusâ from Eyeo Inc. Which has the most commercialized, most cooperative with advertisers, and some including me would say, most skeevy business model of any of the major adblocker. Though the drama around the creator of uBlock forking it to "uBlock Origin" and the massively overlarge donation-begging by the new uBlock owners are some evidence that new-uBlock is pretty skeevy too. Which is why this tablet has uBlock Origin running in Firefox.
Checking size of WPA2 Shared KeyPost new topic Reply to topic DD-WRT Forum Forum Index -> Broadcom SoC based HardwareView previous topic :: View next topicAuthor MessageelectrickeryDD-WRT NoviceJoined: 17 Jun 2006Posts: 1PostPosted: Sun Nov 27, 2011 16:44 Post subject: Checking size of WPA2 Shared Key Reply with quoteRecently I found that there is no check for the maximum size of the WPA2 Shared Key (Wireless > Wireless Security). This is 63 characters. You can insert more characters and Save/Apply Changes, with the result that no connection is possible, even if both sides have the same oversized Shared Key. No warning is given.Firmware: DD-WRT v24-sp2 (07/21/09)
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CS6 - 536 MB |
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CC 2014 - 879 MB |
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CC 2015 - 962 MB |
File: amtlibCHINGLIU.dllCRC-32: 87e15554MD4: c06f093357b9a672814dc2ee23d443b7MD5: 40ebab1ddc6fcf18b3528cb0445de61eSHA-1: 895fdd4c0f706d3cb87d8470372cb318063c337bFile: amtlibVIRUS.dllCRC-32: 8f0ffe86MD4: c22b2dca7fac1904bd429e3cfb4fdef0MD5: 381078a5ea3c9c0be046d382c92233c1SHA-1: c1aeece29be4ccbabfb3e39eacfa4983c0f8358cMD5 and SHA256 hashes:amtlib.dll c:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Audition CS6\ 40ebab1ddc6fcf18b3528cb0445de61e 476cea7a17b867a5ade5482b7a6fa13e46b8dcea8e950086a1925fa8b748209bamtlib.dll c:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Bridge CS6\ 5fff55476202151cca4ec1bd2250e729 12f4b00610fb4254e70763454961ab7b59e6460d81396284ed9f0d2c4bcce594amtlib.dll c:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS6\ 5fff55476202151cca4ec1bd2250e729 12f4b00610fb4254e70763454961ab7b59e6460d81396284ed9f0d2c4bcce594amtlib.dll c:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Bridge CS6 (64 Bit)\ 5be936987259ad1ef42fb51024308fc1 9be7470ec58e079d86b72f23a92e4785276fe50df49e607e3046e6be7a8daf22amtlib.dll c:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS6 (64 Bit)\ 5be936987259ad1ef42fb51024308fc1 9be7470ec58e079d86b72f23a92e4785276fe50df49e607e3046e6be7a8daf22
What is the AppData folder?Applies to Windows 8.1, Windows RT 8.1The AppData folder contains app settings, files, and data specific to the apps on your PC. The folder is hidden by default in File Explorer, and has three hidden sub-folders: Local, LocalLow, and Roaming.Roaming. This folder (%appdata%) contains data that can move with your user profile from PC to PC—like when you’re on a domain—because this data has the ability to sync with a server. For example, if you sign in to a different PC on a domain, your web browser favorites or bookmarks will be available.Local. This folder (%localappdata%) contains data that can't move with your user profile. This data is typically specific to a PC or too large to sync with a server. For example, web browsers usually store their temporary files here.LocalLow. This folder (%appdata%/…/locallow) contains data that can't move, but also has a lower level of access. For example, if you're running a web browser in a protected or safe mode, the app will only be able access data from the LocalLow folder.
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Cmder with unfucked command prompt. |
:: Change the prompt style
:: IMS 2015.06.16
:: https://kb.iu.edu/d/aamm
:: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc722862.aspx
:: original:@prompt $E[1;32;40m$P$S{git}$S$_$E[1;30;40m{lamb}$S$E[0m
:: $e[x;xx;xx0m is the color, $d date $t time $p path $$ dollar sign
:: with date and time @prompt $e[1;33;40m $d $e[1;34;40m $t $e[1;32;40m $p $$
@prompt $e[1;32;40m$p$e[1;31;40m$$
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Show line numbers in Total Commander Lister. |
msiexec /a Komodo-Edit-9.1.0-15798.msi /qb TARGETDIR="C:\TMP\test"
c:\TMP\test\PFILES\ActiveState Komodo Edit 9\
@echo off
set APPDATA=%CD%\AppData
START ko.exe
Except For Millennials, Most Americans Dislike Snowdenhttp://news.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=7301445&cid=49535567Re:Doublethink (Score:5, Insightful)by IamTheRealMike (537420) <mike@plan99.net> on Thursday April 23, 2015 @08:31AM (#49535567) HomepageI think it's more likely to be because people under 35 are the first generation that have no memory of the cold war. People born before about 1980 lived in a world where there was a very strong, clear delineation between us vs them and that divide was seen as an existential struggle between good and evil. Merely by being born into a certain country, you too could take part in an epic ideological struggle between right and wrong. It is perhaps not surprising that people who lived most of their life in such a world instinctively support a strong, authoritarian state and react badly to a "traitor who gave our national security secrets to the Russians" or whatever garbled version of the story they received via Fox News. There's definitely a clear and strong tendency in older populations to support our side regardless of what that side actually does, and things that seem to bring back old certainties strongly appeal to them. Hence the desperate need of the establishment to make "the terrorists" to new Big Evil.Contrast to people under the age of 35 who don't remember the cold war and have never lived in a world where there were clearly defined conflicts between us/them or good/evil. Instead there has been a series of endless wars started by us against dramatically weaker foes, based on vague and uncompelling justifications, the results of which have mostly been bedlam. Older people love this because it's an attempt to bring back the old certainties they remember. It leaves young people cold because they don't care about the old certainties, as they never had them to begin with.Combine all this with the fact that the average software developer is 30 years old [stackoverflow.com] and the average age of Congress is 57 [slate.com] ... nearly double their age .... you have set the stage for an epic showdown between the technology industry and the political establishment. Which is exactly what's happening.
“My husband has a very sophisticated palette.”
“He is very particular about how I taste.”
“Is this that kind of party?”
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get-hotfix -id KB3035583, KB2952664,KB2976978,KB3021917,KB3044374,KB2990214
[I had the following 4 "updates":]
wusa /uninstall /kb:2952664
wusa /uninstall /kb:2990214
wusa /uninstall /kb:3021917
wusa /uninstall /kb:3035583
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Hiding Malicious Windows 7 "Updates" |
Go to Task Scheduler.In the scheduler library: \Microsoft\Windows\Setup\gwxDisable everything.I also disable these tasks in scheduler library:\Microsoft\Windows\Customer Experience Improvement Program:Disable task: ConsolidatorDisable task: KernelCeipTaskDisable task: UsbCeip\Microsoft\Windows\Application Experience:Disable task: AitAgentDisable task: Microsoft Compatibility AppraiserDisable task: ProgramDataUpdater
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Disabling "gwx" shit |
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Disabling "Customer Experience Improvement Program" spyware |
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Disabling "Application Experience" spyware |
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